10.30am – Benefice Mothering Sunday service with refreshments after the service at Christ Church, Coldharbour.
6th April
The Fifth Sunday of Lent
10.30am – Parish Communion (Common Worship) with provision for children and refreshments after the service at St James, Abinger Common.
13th April
Palm Sunday
10.30am – Joint Palm Sunday service with refreshments after the service at St James, Abinger Common.
17th April
Maundy Thursday
7.00pm Institution of the Lord’s Supper at Christ Church, Coldharbour.
18th April
Good Friday
1.00pm Good Friday Benefice Service of Reflection and Stillness. This will follow the Good Friday walk from the other Churches in the Benefice and refreshments before the service at St James, Abinger Common.
20th April
Easter Day
11.30am Holy Communion Family Service at St James Church, Abinger Common.
27th April
The Second Sunday of Easter
10.30am Benefice Service with refreshments after the service at St James, Abinger Common.
6.00pm Julian Meeting, half an hour of stillness with God at St James, Abinger Common.
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