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Sermons & Reflections delivered at Christ Church, Coldharbour can be seen here.

May 2024 - Reflections from the Rectory

I find May a great month!

In the church we celebrate the Ascension (when Jesus ascended into heaven on the 40th day after his resurrection), Pentecost (when the Holy Spirit was poured out and made available to all), and Trinity Sunday (where we focus on the mystery of Father, Son and Holy Spirit being three in one).

It is also a great time to celebrate our fabulous communities in Coldharbour and Abinger!

On Saturday 18th May at 2pm we have the Coldharbour Village Fete at the Memorial ground– a wonderful way to spend the day with a fun dog show, Punch and Judy, magic show, live band, auction and much more!

And at Abinger on 19th May at 10:30 we have a short Pet Service in the churchyard of St. James’ to celebrate our furry friends, large and small! Come along and join the merry mayhem!!!

With love, Rev’d Kia

Rev’d Kia Pakenham / May 2024

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