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9th February 2025

Colossians 3: 1-22 and Matthew 5: 13-18 (Psalm 1)

In our readings and Psalm today, we are given images of what we shall be like if we follow God.

Psalm 1 says: And he shall be like a tree planted by the waterside, that will bring forth his fruit in due season; his leaf also shall not wither; and look, whatsoever he doeth, it shall prosper.

In the reading from Matthew 5: We are ‘The salt of the earth, and the light of the world.’

This passage is the second part of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is setting out his message and his purpose. He is telling the Jewish people that they have a high calling as God’s children – they were called to be bearers of light, a beacon of hope to the world – they were not always behaving as they should. Just as we as Christians and the Christian Church are not always living up to the ideal that Jesus calls US to. Jesus was not changing God’s covenant to his people but bringing together the promise of the Law and the Prophets and he became that beacon of hope and new life for everyone. He calls us to follow him to be salt and light in the world today.

In ancient times, everyone noticed the difference in those in the early church – they were known as the people of the Way, the way of Jesus Christ – they loved one another and shared everything. Do those around us notice a difference in us because of our Faith?

Paul’s letter to the Colossians continues describing the high standard we must follow – we are to be clothed with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience.

We are to be loving wives, husbands, parents and servants; to forgive one another, to be wise, kind and truthful and to sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in grateful thanks to God. That bit I can do!

It’s interesting that children and servants or slaves are included – they also have a responsibility to live obediently – by choice not coercion.

How can we meet these exacting standards? Well, we can’t do it in our own strength. We must let ‘the word of Christ dwell in us richly’ – the Bible helps us to understand how we must live, and by reading and studying God’s word, he will speak into our lives.

The theologian Richard Rohr says that it’s surprising how little Jesus is shocked by human failure and sin. He seems more upset at those who do not think they are sinners. So our first and most important step is to recognise that we do fall short, to confess our failures and to want to do better. The first words that Jesus preached in Mark’s Gospel (1:15) are Repent (or turn around) and believe the Good News! We don’t need to despair at our falling short. The seed of who God wants us to be, is already within us – we just have to find it and nurture it. The person we are already in Jesus will be fully revealed when he returns.

Kia has spoken several times recently about listening for the ‘still small voice of God’. It is so hard with all the noise and distractions of modern life, to just stop and find a quiet corner to read a few verses from the Bible and listen for what God might have to say to us. I find my quiet time walking in the woods with the dog. The birds, the wind in the trees, the beauty of the world around us, calms my spirit and helps me listen. We all need those quiet spaces. Then we can welcome the peace of Christ into our hearts and start to find our true selves and purpose.

Are we trees bringing goodness to the earth as we grow peacefully? Are we salt bringing flavour and preservation to the world around us? Are we bringing light to the darkness and sadness of those who suffer alongside us. It’s a high calling, but one to which we don’t need to respond alone – God is with us and the community of the church is there to walk with us.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love which binds everything together in perfect harmony. I love that image of being bound together in harmony. Together we can do so much more. And let’s find those quiet moments to think about how God sees us and our potential in him, to work to bring more of that goodness, salt, light and love into our troubled world. AMEN

Hilary Swift / 9th February 2025

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