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Bingo 29th June 2023

Fathers’ Day 25th June 2023

Coronation Poem

Hooray, this week our King is crowned,
With lots of pomp and merry sound.
Brass bands will play and church bells ring,
Trumpets blast, and choirs will sing.

Two thousand guests will fill the Abbey,
All smartly dressed, nothing shabby.
The crowds won’t mind what they wear,
The wise may bring wet weather gear!

For hours they’ll be prepared to wait
To see the carriages of state
And wave their flags and shout ‘Hooray’
To celebrate this special day.

And millions more will watch on screen,
The first such crowning that they’ve seen.
The ceremonial will impress
This is something Brits do best

As we crown a King who’ll serve our realm
We trust his hand at the helm.
King Charles, we wish you happiness,
And may your reign be richly blessed.

God save our gracious King, long live our noble King, long live the King.

Written by Rev’d Virginia Smith, 1st May 2023

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