Organs at St James

The current organ was built in 1991 by Nicholson of Malvern and dedicated in 1991.

The case is made of English oak and the display pipes are of polished zinc. The twelve stops plus Tremulant are mechanical with the two manuals and pedal board being actuated by tracker action.

Dedication of the organ 13Jan991

Compass: keys CC to A (58 notes) : pedals CCC to F (30 notes)
Pressures: Pedal 85mm, Great & Swell 65mm
Pitch: C = 523.3Hz @ 62 deg. F (A = 440Hz)


Gedeckt 8ft wood bass/ plain metal trebles
Salicional 8ft spotted metal. Common bass with Gedeckt
Unda Maris TC 8ft spotted metal
Gemshorn 4ft spotted metal. Tapered
Mixture IIIrks – spotted metal. 15-19-22ft
Fagott 16ft plain metal half-length bass/spotted metal treble

Nicholson organ console

Open Diapason 8ft display pipes polished zinc/spotted metal trebles
Stopped Diapason 8ft stoppered wood
Principal 4ft spotted metal
Quint 22/3ft plain metal
Fifteenth 2ft spotted metal
Trumpet 8ft zinc bass/spotted metal trebles

Nicholson organ console

Sub Bass 16ft stoppered wood
Flute 8ft by derivision from the Sub bass
Choral Bass 4ft spotted metal

Couplers (hitchdown pedals)

Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal

Previous Organs

The 1887 organ was built by Alfred Kirkland of London, restored and enlarged in 1924 and thoroughly repaired in 1937. It took the place of a chamber organ which had been preceded by a harmonium and that by a barrel organ with two barrels and ten tunes each, which was installed in 1857 when the Singers Gallery, across the west end of the church in which there were a “bass-viol, clarionet etc. for the band”, was removed.

This organ was destroyed by enemy action in August 1944.

In or after 1957 there was also a harmonium in the North chapel.

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