Latest News at St. James'

Find out what's happening in our parish

Youth Mental Health Day – Who Is Your Hero?

It’s Youth Mental Health Day on September 19th. Tell us about a young person in your life who has shown amazing courage, and they'll get...

MacMillan Coffee Morning 27th September

Join us on 27th September for a coffee morning in support of Macmillan....

Joint Harvest Festival – 1st October, 10.30 at SJ’s

Join us as we celebrate our Harvest blessings on the first Sunday of October at St. James'. We will be holding the traditional Harvest Auction...

Peace Ruharuzza is coming to inspire us!

Peace was born into a large poverty-stricken family, and as a small child, she was given away to be a domestic slave for relatives. Supported...

Progressive Supper 2023 – 18th November – Save The Date!

This year's Progressive Supper will be held on Saturday 18th November. Please save the date! More details from the organising team are on their way....

Bishop of Dorking

It is with great joy that I share with you the news that Paul Davies is to be our new Bishop of Dorking. I have...

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