On this page you can see and hear some rehearsal aids for items in the St James’ choir repertoire.
Training files marked Watch & Play are YouTube videos showing a play-along score of vocal parts (Sibelius). Other examples are provided for Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass where possible.
Brewer: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F
Dyson: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in F
Forbes L'Estrange, Joanna: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (Kings College Services)
Ives, Grayston: Nunc Dimittis (Salisbury Festival Services)
Morley: faux bourdon Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis
Royse: Appelby Canticles
Shephard: Song of Mary
Stanford: Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis in B flat
Stanford: Evening Canticles in C
Darke: Mass in E (Kyrie)
Thorne: Mass of St Thomas
Anon: Kontakion of the Dead - arr. D Hansell
Anon: Hymn to the Trinity (Words Rev’d John Venus Music Anon, arr. D Hansell)
Attwood, Thomas: Teach Me, O Lord
Bainton: And I Saw a New Heaven
Bennet, Richard Rodney: Out of your sleep
Britten: Hymn to the Virgin
Britten: Jubilate Deo
Byrd: Ave Verum Corpus
Byrd: Call to Worship
Byrd: Teach O Lord the way of thy statutes
Bruckner: Locus Iste
Chilcott, Bob:
God So loved the World
Be Thou my Vision
Elgar: Ave Verum Corpus
Darke: In the bleak mid-winter
Farrant: Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Faure, Gabriel: Cantique de Jean Racine
Goodall: The Lord's My Shepherd
Handel, GF: Zadok the Priest
Hansell, David: Praisèd be the God of Love
Hansell, David: The stupendous stranger
Harris, WH: Faire is the Heaven
Harris, WH: Come Down, O Love Divine
Harris, WH: Holy is the true light
Howells, Herbert
Like as the hart desireth the water-brooks
Come Down, O Love Divine
Ives, Grayston: Listen Sweet Dove
Joubert, John: O Lord, the maker of al thing
Joubert, John: There is no rose
Lauridsen, Morten: O Nata Lux
L'Estrange, Joanna Forbes: The Mountains Shall Speak peace
Llyod-Weber, Andrew: Lovingly Remembered
Loosemore, Henry/Gibbons: O Lord, Increase our faith
Messiaen: O Sacrum Convivium
Mendelssohn: Then Shall a Star from Jacob Come Forth
Moore: What Wondrous Love
Mozart: Ave Verum Corpus
Musson: Fill Us With Love
Ouseley: From the Rising of the Sun
Ouseley: O Saviour of the World
Ravenscroft, Thomas - Remember, O thou man
Redford - Rejoice in the Lord Alway
Rutter, John
For the Beauty of the Earth
Gaelic Blessing
I Will Sing With the Spirit
Love came down at Christmas
Sands: Sing of the Lord's Goodness
Schutz, Heinrich: We sing of the birth
Shepherd: A New Commandment
Stanford: O, For a Closer Walk With Thee
Stanford: Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
Stopford, Philip: For the beauty of the earth
Tallis: If you love me
Tchaikowsky: Holy, Holy, Holy
Townend: How Deep the Father's Love For Us
Tye: O Come Ye Servants
Vaughan Williams:
O Clap your hands
O Taste and See
The Call
Walford Davies: Requiem Aeternam (1916)
Wesley, SS: Wash me throughly
Wood: This Joyful Eastertide
The Manual of Plainsong 1902
How to sing Anglian Psalms
Anglian Chant
Bramma: Preces and Responses
Sheppard: Pepenbury responses
New English Hymnal
How shall I sing that majesty (with descant)
Gibdon arr. Ogden: Touch the Earth Lightly
Adams: O Holy Night
Chilcott: Silent Night
Cornelius: The Three Kings
Matthias: Sir Christemas
Owens, Matthew: The Holly and the Ivy
Rudolf: Veiled in Darkness
Rutter, John: Christmas Lullaby
Rutter, John: Love came down at Christmas
Stopford: Lula, Lula, Lullay
Lennon & McCartney: All you need is Love (arr. Alan Billingsley
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