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Category archives: What’s Happening
The Long Way to Heaven
Come and join us for a film and discussions on ‘The Way’ this lent at St. James’, Abinger Common. Film screening Saturday 22nd February 7pm at St. James’. Clips with discussions 4th, 11th, 18th 25 the March and 1st April – 7pm St. James’. The Long Road to Heaven explores Christian understandings of “salvation in …
Lent Eco update
Lent Update…Thoughts on the environment this Lent period. In the Christian calendar we look at God’s work and miracles through specific dates, these religious rituals encompass respectful details which put the focus firmly back on God. Lent allows God to shine a focus in our life on areas where we can prune, reduce or remove things entirely. …
Family Quiz
Crib Service 2024-12-15
Crib Service – 15th December Crib service this Sunday, 10:30, at St.James’ – come dressed as your favourite nativity character for a fun, interactive (and slightly chaotic!) nativity!! Costumes available!
POSTPONED Leaf Sweep 7th December
St James’ Churchyard leaf Sweep – postponed
St James’ Eco Church
St James’ Eco Church The St James’ Eco Church action was initiated as a response to the climate emergency and uses the framework set out by the A Rocha Eco Church Programme to guide our church’s care of God’s creation. Through this scheme, we have received our bronze award for being an ‘Eco Church’ and …
Meadvale Singers Concert
The Meadvale singers will be performing in a concert of secular and sacred Christmas music to raise funds for the Amber Foundation ( 4th December 2024 at 7.30
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Harvest funday 19th October
Harvest Family Funday 19th October