5th November 2023, 4th Sunday before Advent Parish Communion 10:30am Organ: Prelude and Fugue in D minor (BWV 554) – atttrib. J S BachIntroit: Rejoice today with one accord (NEH 444) – M Luther/J S BachHymns: NEH473 When morning gilds the skies (omit*); NEH114 Now is eternal life; NEH396 Let saints on earth in concert …
Category archives: Uncategorized
Music 2023-09-10
September 10th – 14th Sunday after Trinity Choral Evensong 6pm Organ: Passacaglia (from Henry V) – WaltonIntroit: Give the King thy judgements – Joanna Forbes L’EstrangeHymns NEH296 Lord, enthroned in heav’nly splendour; NEH357 Father, hear the prayer we offer; NEH475 Ye holy angels brightPsalm: 108 Canticles: Shephard/IvesAnthem: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace – …
New notice board (Postponed)
Postponed as the notice board was delivered incomplete! This Sunday 6th August at 2pm outside St James we will have an unveiling of our new joint Abinger Parish Council and Church Notice Board! All Welcome!
SJs at the Nursery
On Wednesday 5th July 2023, at SJ’s café, we were invited to Abinger Nursery for the most delicious tea – sandwiches and scones served to us by the children with musical accompaniment! We also participated in a craft activity! The porch of St. James’ is now festooned with colourful bunting with hand prints from us …
Fathers’ Day 25th June 2023
Music 2023-06-26
26th June 2023: 7:00 – 8:00pm – Choir practice – St James’
Yehudi Menuhin Concert
Pupils of the Yehudi Menuhin School are coming to St. James’ Abinger! On Sunday 21st May, pupils of the Yehudi Menuhin School will be giving a lunchtime concert at St. James’ Abinger. The concert will start at 12.30pm. There are a limited number of tickets available for this event, which will be a fundraising concert to …
How is your Prayer Life
Prayer is fundamental to who we are as Christians. We all know how important it is, but also how difficult and complicated we can make it! Would you like to feel closer to God? Do you sometimes find it hard to pray? Do you wish you could make more sense of how God is working …
Music 12-Feb-23
12th February 2023 2nd Sunday before Lent Abinger 6.00 Choral Evensong Organ Voluntary: Benjamin CosynPretroit: BenediciteHymns: NEH377 Immortal, invisible; NEH357 Father, hear the prayer we offer; NEH403 Lord of all being, throned afarPsalm: 135 Canticles: Stanford in B flatAnthem: Jubilate Deo – BrittenOrgan Scherzo: Ridout
Church Family Christmas Card
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