2nd June 2024 – 1st after Trinity 10.30 Parish Communion Organ: A Fancy for Double Orgaine – Orlando GibbonsIntroit: O Lord, increase our faith – Henry LoosemoreHymns: NEH377 Immortal, invisible; NEH456 Teach me, my God and King ; [IA: NEH 144]; NEH239 Lord of all hopefulness; NEH420 O Jesus, I have promised.Anthem Ye choirs of …
Category archives: Uncategorized
Sermon 2024-05-05
Sermon 5th May 2024 Acts 10:44-end, John 15:9-17 The desire for certainty goes very deep, and all of todays readings look at that longing with sympathy, though the answers they give are as challenging as they are reassuring. In the Gospel, Jesus is at last giving his disciples ‘commandments’. If the disciples have been listening to …
2024-05 Reflection from the Rectory
May 2024 – Reflections from the Rectory I find May a great month! In the church we celebrate the Ascension (when Jesus ascended into heaven on the 40th day after his resurrection), Pentecost (when the Holy Spirit was poured out and made available to all), and Trinity Sunday (where we focus on the mystery of …
Sermon 2024-04-14
Sermon 14th April 2024 Evensong Acts 3:12-19, Luke 25:36b – 48 I’d like to invite you, if you will, to imagine that you are an old Jewish tradesman in the 1st century in the middle East. You are a puzzled seeker trying to make sense of this Jesus stuff. Your thoughts may go something like this …
Sermon 2024-04-07
TITLE Texts: Acts 4: 32-35, John 20,:19-end Today we hear in our readings about two seemingly very different personalities. The first being Thomas, the apostle almost invariably labelled with the epithet ‘doubting’ and then we have Barnabas, whose name we are told means ‘Son of the Encourager’. The name Barnabas is now associated with not …
Sermon 2024-03-31
Sermon 31st March2024 Readings – Acts 10:34-43, John 20: 1-18 Are we Easter people or Holy Saturday people? What do I mean by this? Are we lost in the darkness and confusion of Holy Saturday and in some ways content in wallowing in our inadequacies- in the ways we fall short, mess up and don’t measure up? …
Music 2024-04-02
April 7th 2024, 2nd Sunday of Easter 10.30am Parish Communion Organ: Prelude in G major (BWV 542i) – J S BachIntroit: The Easter AnthemsHymns: NEH114 Now is eternal life; NEH113 Love’s redeeming work is done; [IA: 100 vv7&8]; NEH335 All praise to thee; NEH186 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the LordAnthem: The Cherry …
Sermon 2024-03-10 Evensong
10th March 2024 Homily for Evensong Texts: Ephesians 2: 1-10, John 6: 1-14 How, I wonder, do you refer to this day? Is it as the majority of people in this country would tell you Mothers’ Day or would you, like me, be what most people would consider being horribly pedantic and insist on calling …
Sermon 2024-03-10 Communion
Sermon 10th March 2024 – Mothering Sunday We’ve come here this morning to say thank you. Thank you to our mothers for all that they are and all that they do for us. And for some of us we have come here to remember. To remember our mothers who are no longer here to say thank …
Sermon 2024-02-04
Sermon 4th February 2024 – Candlemas Luke 2:22-40 I’d like to begin with a confession. I am really inpatient. Mainly with myself. When I was about 5 we were given the opportunity at school of taking up a musical instrument, and much to the delight of my parents, I chose the violin. I persevered for about 6 …