Malachi 3:1-5 Luke 2:22-40 Have you ever made sandcastles on the beach? I remember as a child trying to dig a massive hole in the sand in an attempt to get to Australia. If I just dig deep enough and long enough I will eventually emerge upside down in Oz. With my childlike understanding I …
Category archives: Sermons
Sermon 8th January 2023
Isaiah 42:1-9, Matthew 3:13 – end This passage in Isaiah shows God speaking into the pain of exile to send a servant who will bring justice, and not to Israel only but to all nations. Dramatic and powerful! But we’ve entered in the middle of the story of God’s people, so let us rewind a …
Sermon – 4th December 2022
Second Sunday of Advent – Isaiah 11:1-10, Matthew 3:1-12 Isaiah spoke words of hope the people desperately needed to hear—dead stumps springing back into life, lions laying with lambs, an end to war and a future of peace. The Israelites felt hopeless, in despair. The words Isaiah wrote told of that despairing and proclaimed that …
Sermon 13th November 2022
Remembrance Reflection Why can darkness seem scary? Is it, to state the obvious, the fact we can’t see? There is more than one way to interpret darkness. Barbara Brown Taylor wrote a brilliant book entitled ‘Learning to walk in the dark’. In it she explores her own fear of darkness and challenges it. She also asks the …
Sermon 6th November 2022
Luke 20: 27-38 These Sadducees were a tricky bunch. Jesus has spent the last few chapters of Luke turning upside down the values of this world with parables about short tax collectors, a man with a seemingly dysfunctional vineyard and disrupting the economy of the Temple and now the Sadducees were determined to trip him …
We have recently started a new offering at both Christ Church and St. James’ alternately, on the 4th Sunday of the month at 6pm called a Julian Meeting. Follow here for some explanation!
Sermon 9th October 2022
Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 (Luke 17:11-19) Our readings are taken from the lectionary which as I’m sure you know is the church of England’s daily readings for the liturgical church year. We have a choice, normally of 5 or 6 different books and passages that we can preach on. Supposedly there are common themes between the Old Testament, …