Homily for 27th August 2023 Texts: Romans 12: 1-8, Matthew 16: 13-20 Quite recently I did a baptism and afterwards needed to take down the details for the Baptism Register which include the occupations of the parents. The father told me to write down ‘retired’ which I knew was only true in part. Yes, he …
Category archives: Sermons
Sermon 2023-07-23
Homily for the Celebration of the Feast of St James Collect for St James’ Day: Merciful God, whose holy apostle Saint James, leaving his father and all that he had, was obedient to the calling of your Son Jesus Christ and followed him even to death: help us, forsaking the false attractions of the world …
Sermon 2023-07-9
Sermon 9th July 2023 Psalm 146, Romans 7:15 – 25a A common misconception that a lot of us have, or had, is that when we became Christians the Good News was all about the future: eternal life after I die. But for me, as I have studied the bible over the years, and in particular the …
Sermon 2023-07-02
Homily 2nd July 2023 Psalm 89: 1-4, 15-18, Matthew 10: 40-endWhoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.’ Matthew 10:40. Coincidentally, right now we are commemorating both the seventy- five years since the arrival of the HMT Empire Windrush and the foundation of our National Health Service. Both …
Sermon 11th June 2023
Barnabas 11th June 2023 Did you have a best friend at school or through University? A friend that has stood by you through thick and thin? Maybe you have that friend that although you don’t see them regularly, when you do meet them you just pick up where you left off? Friends and friendships are …
Sermon 4th June 2023
Sermon for Trinity Sunday Now apologies if some of what I say this morning rings any bells. I have used these analogies before and I can’t think of better ones! The idea, the concept of the Trinity often has us tied up in knots. We are not alone – for centuries us humans have struggled to comprehend …
Sermon 14th May 2023
Reflection for Evensong 14th May 2023 This reflection is based on the hymn Christ is our Corner-stone which we will be singing at the start of Sunday’s choral evensong. “Christ is made the sure foundation, and the precious corner-stone, who, the two walls underlying, bound in each, binds both in one, Holy Sion’s help for …
Sermon 2023-05-07
Coronation Sermon Were you glued to your television screens yesterday?Did you manage the whole thing?What impacted you the most?The pomp and ceremony? After all we do do these things well don’t we?!The commentary?Who was there and who wasn’t? For me I was, rather ashamedly, struck by the sacramental and sacred nature of the whole thing. …
Reflection from the Rectory May 2023
May is my favourite month – Spring has definitely arrived, we have lots of family birthdays and this year is extra special as we celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III – and we have 3 bank Holiday Mondays! May also marks the beginning of village Fair season as we look forward to the wonderful …
Sermon 9th April 2023
Easter day Sermon: Acts 10:34-43, John 20:1-18 Are we Easter people or Holy Saturday people? What do I mean by this? Are we lost in the darkness and confusion of Holy Saturday and in some ways content in wallowing in our inadequacies- in the ways we fall short, mess up and don’t measure up? Are we …