Sermon 3rd December 2023 Texts: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, Mark 13: 24-end I give thanks to my god always for you, because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in him….so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you …
Category archives: Sermons
2023-11-05 Sermon
5th November 2023 Texts: Psalm 43, Matthew 24: 1-14 Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my help and my God. Psalm 42: 5 In your doubting may God’s truth become clear to you. in your fear may …
Music 2023-10-08 Sermon
8th October 2023 evensong 18:00pm Proverbs 2:1-11, 1 John 2:1-17 Both our readings begin in the same way addressing us as my child, or my little children. Slightly condescending perhaps, or are we to approach these teachings with the curiosity, the wonder and the awe that little children approach the world? With open minds and …
2023-10-01 Sermon
1st October 2023 – Harvest Luke 12:16-30 I’m going to need some help for this. Can you fill this jar with sand please? And now with marbles. And now with rocks. Won’t fit? Ok, start again. How about, marbles first, then sand then rocks? No? Let’s see if it fits with rocks first, then marbles then rocks. This is our life. …
Sermon from Family Praise Service – 17th September 2023
Sermon from Family Praise Service – 17th September 2023 If you’ve played a team sport before, like netball, cricket or football, you know the concept that when “if we win, I win.” Learning your place on the team and how to use your skills to enable the greatest success for the team is essential. Team …
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Reflection 2023-09-10
Reflection 10th September 2023 Meditation on “Father hear the prayer we offer” for Choral Evensong “Father, hear the prayer we offer; not for ease that prayer may be, but for strength that we may ever live our lives courageously.” What I wonder do we all make most central to our prayers and hazarding a guess …
2023-09-03 Sermon
Sermon 3rd September 2023 What are your Gifts and Talents? Exodus 3:1-15 and Matthew 16:21-end Who are you? A wife, mother, sister, daughter, husband, father, brother, son? A home maker, secretary, executive, gardener, teacher? Who are you really? When you take off your various hats and step aside from being purely defined by your relationships. When you …
2023-08-27 Homily
Homily for 27th August 2023 Texts: Romans 12: 1-8, Matthew 16: 13-20 Quite recently I did a baptism and afterwards needed to take down the details for the Baptism Register which include the occupations of the parents. The father told me to write down ‘retired’ which I knew was only true in part. Yes, he …
Sermon 2023-07-23
Homily for the Celebration of the Feast of St James Collect for St James’ Day: Merciful God, whose holy apostle Saint James, leaving his father and all that he had, was obedient to the calling of your Son Jesus Christ and followed him even to death: help us, forsaking the false attractions of the world …
Sermon 2023-07-9
Sermon 9th July 2023 Psalm 146, Romans 7:15 – 25a A common misconception that a lot of us have, or had, is that when we became Christians the Good News was all about the future: eternal life after I die. But for me, as I have studied the bible over the years, and in particular the …