Homily 2nd July 2023 Psalm 89: 1-4, 15-18, Matthew 10: 40-endWhoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.’ Matthew 10:40. Coincidentally, right now we are commemorating both the seventy- five years since the arrival of the HMT Empire Windrush and the foundation of our National Health Service. Both …
Author archives: Philip Rawlings
Bingo 29th June 2023
Music 2023–07-09
July 9th 5th Sunday after Trinity 6.00 Choral Evensong Organ ‘A Voluntarie: for my ladye nevell – mr w. birde’Hymns NEH440 Praise to the Lord; NEH414 O for a closer walk with God; NEH361 Forth in the peace of Christ we goResponses: ByrdPsalm 145 (vv8-15,20,21)Canticles: Dyson in FAnthem: Teach me, O Lord, the way of …
Fathers’ Day 25th June 2023
Music 2023-07-02
Prayer is fundamental to who we are as Christians. Even those who do not have an sctive belief rarely refuse the offer to be prayed for. S, to this end we have set up a new email address – prayer@abingerandcoldharbour.org. if you, or anyone you know, would like prayer, then do please email me in …
Fathers’ Day
This Sunday we celebrate Fathers – in all their shapes and sizes and give thanks to the ultimate role model – Father God! At St. James’ we begin our service outside with Bacon Rolls cooked on the BBQ at 9:30am – so no need to serve him breakfast in bed! Followed by a short …
Sermon 11th June 2023
Barnabas 11th June 2023 Did you have a best friend at school or through University? A friend that has stood by you through thick and thin? Maybe you have that friend that although you don’t see them regularly, when you do meet them you just pick up where you left off? Friends and friendships are …
Sermon 4th June 2023
Sermon for Trinity Sunday Now apologies if some of what I say this morning rings any bells. I have used these analogies before and I can’t think of better ones! The idea, the concept of the Trinity often has us tied up in knots. We are not alone – for centuries us humans have struggled to comprehend …
Music 2023-07-09
9th July 2023 5th Sunday after Trinity Choral Evensong 6pm William Byrd died 4th July 1623 Organ: Voluntarie for my ladye Nevill – ByrdAnthem: Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes – ByrdOrgan: A fancie – Byrd