Services this month

at St. James' Church


2nd March

The Sunday next before Lent

10.30am – Parish Communion (Common Worship) with provision for children and refreshments after the service at St James, Abinger Common.

5th March

Ash Wednesday

7.00pm  – Ash Wednesday service at St Mary’s, Holmbury St Mary.

9th March

The First Sunday of Lent

6.00pm – Choral Evensong at St James, Abinger Common. 

16th March

The Second Sunday of Lent

10.30am Come and see Sunday with refreshments after the service at St James, Abinger Common.

23rd March

The Third Sunday of Lent

10.30am Sideways Church; new angles on faith with breakfast, laughter and conversation at St James, Abinger Common.

6.00pm Julian Meeting – half an hour of stillness with God at Christ Church, Coldharbour.

30th March

Mothering Sunday

10.30am Benefice Mothering Sunday Service with refreshments after the service at Christ Church, Coldharbour.

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