Inscriptions on Moveables

[These items removed from St James' for safe-keeping by Diocese of Guildford]

Church plate described in “Church Plate of Surrey – Cooper (1892)“. Along with items below, removed to Guildford cathedral for safe-keeping.

57. Brass ewer for the font

In memory of Louisa Dean died Nov 1st 1900 aged 85.

58. Altar Cross

On the back of the brass altar cross. Rev Orpen lived for some years at Mark Ash, Abinger Common.

Hanc crucem cum candelabris dedicavit Thomas Herbert Orpen Presbyter in piam memoriam filii sui dilecti Walter Selwyn Orpen qui vitam pro patria dedit die sexto Julii AD MCMXVI Anno aetatis XXIIImo . Requiem aeternam da illi Domine et lux perpetua luceat in illum.

59. 2 Brass Candlesticks

1. "O send out thy light and thy truth that they may lead me.
2. And bring me into thy holy hill and to thy dwelling."

60. Brass Alms Dish

Presented to Abinger Church by Mrs M A Roe 1880

He that giveth to the Lord lendeth to the Lord.

61. 3 Silver Holy Communion Pieces

The gift of the Countess of Donegal and the Earl her son to the Church of Abinger 1736.

61a.Silver Chalice and Paten

To the glory of God and in loving memory of Charles Graham Neale Farrer who entered into rest May 11th 1911. From his father.

62. Silver Chalice and paten

Sacred to the memory of my husband Charles Franklin Wright MRCS LSA TD JP Lt Col 2/5th Suffolk Regiment b. 5th June 1861 d. 2nd November 1932. People's warden from 1921-1932.

62a. The Altar Services book

Ad majorem Dei gloriam et in piam memoriam Walter Selwyn Orpen qui vitam pro patra dedit die sexto Julii NCMXVI

Transcribed by J A Gibbs 1933, "Abinger Church and Churchyard Inscriptions", 1934.

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