Parish Registers

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The Abinger Parish registers are retained in a purpose-built database written by Philip Rawlings.

Sources include:


Some reports from the database are shown below, other sorts and selections are available.

Statistics from the Registers

Notes to the Registers

1599-1812 – Originals lost but transcribed into a bound volume “This volume has been printed by a few friends in grateful memory of John Harcourt Chichester Evelyn (1876-1922), of Wotton House, Patron of these three livings, who lost his life in the service of his country; and also of Mrs. H. E. Malden (1852-1919), who transcribed the Register.”

The registers from 1812-1887 are lost. Some inscriptions were transcribed by John A Gibbs in “Inscriptions and Graves in Abinger Church and Churchyard with Index” presented to St James’ in 1934 Also from “Epitaphs of Surrey”, A B Bax, ms. in Surrey Archeological Society Library (1890); these data are included in the current database.

‘Affidavit’: in The Burial in Woolen Acts of 1660-1689 “No corps should be buried in anything other than what is made of sheep’s wool only; or put into any coffin lined or faced with any material but sheep’s wool, on pain of forfeiture of £5.” Excepting plague victims and the destitute. In addition, an affidavit to that effect was required not later than 8 days after the burial. The act was repealed in 1814 but ignored after 1770.

The Stamp Duties Act of 1783 required payment of 3d to register a baptism, marriage or burial. Repealed in 1794.

‘Certificate’: a certificate brought (presented) affirming burial in ‘woolen’.

Assumed, except otherwise stated, that a woman takes the surname of the husband (often burial register has only, for example, Joan the wife of John Smith).

Assumed, except otherwise stated, that a child takes the surname of the father (often burial register has only, for example, Jane the daughter of John Smith).

Spellings of names and places are idiosyncratic in the registers. As far as practicable, original spellings have been retained.

Names are often prefixed with Goodman or Goodwife (abbr. Goody) in the earlier registers. Archaic form, known from 13th to mid-18th century. Signifies lower social standing than those addressed as Mr, Mrs, Mistress.

See the History of Parish Registers in England for the register requirements from 1538 (King Henry XIII). Our registers began in 1559 following a law enacted by Queen Elizabeth I.


Source Data

The entire dataset can be downloaded here

Parish Records Held At The Surrey History Centre

Records of baptism, marriage and burial are held at the Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking GU21 6ND as below:

Originals, Microfiche

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