
The ancient service of Compline which dates back to the Middle Ages was the last service observed by the monks before retiring to rest. Its name derives from the Latin word meaning completion and it is above all a service of quietness and reflection. Beginning on Palm Sunday Compline will be held each evening of Holy Week except for Maundy Thursday alternating between St James and Christ Church. (See schedule below).

It will, as originally intended, be a  simple service using the traditional words together with music and a short reflection each evening marking  some of the events of that first Holy Week. A simple service which I hope will enable those who come to make more of their own journey through Holy Week  as we share in the reality of the drama as it unfolds  and recognize God’s will and purpose in sacrificing His own Son for us. The drama that begins with all the exultation and adulation of Palm Sunday and  then leads to the appalling  horror of the Cross  before leaving us on Holy Saturday apparently lost and bewildered before the dawning of  all the wonder and mystery of Easter Day.

Saturday 2nd April      7.00 p.m    Christ Church Coldharbour

Monday 3rd April        7.00 p.m.    St James’ Church Abinger

Tuesday 4th April         7.00 p.n.    Christ Church Coldharbour

Wednesday 5th April     7.00 p.m.   St James’ Church Abinger

Good Friday 7th April   7.00 p.m.   Christ Church Coldharbour

Saturday 8th April         7.00 p.m.   St James’ Abinger


Rev’d Virginia Smith

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